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Smart Health Plans (Male & Female)

Studies have shown that Hong Kong people are one of the most stressful population in the globe.  It is also commonly understood that stress will increase one’s risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, thyroid disorder, etc.

Regular health checks and physical examinations warrant and enable us identify potential health problems early, and thereby taking preventative measures as well as adopting suitable treatment for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and even cancers at an early stage.

Our center provides 4 comprehensive check-up plans, i.e. Standard / Executive / Signature / Elite health plans to cater the needs of individuals based on their unique factors, personal and family medical history.  In addition to detailed report explanation, follow-up plans and suggestions, specialist referrals can be arranged in follow-up session if needed.

Compare Plans

Items Standard
Health Plan
Health Plan
Health Plan
Health Plan
Doctor Consultation
Pre & Post Consultation
Physical Examination
Nurse Assessment, Blood Pressure, Pulse, Height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI)
Heart Assessment
CT Coronary Angiogram & calcium Score (Contrast)      
Lungs Assessment
Chest X-ray
Low-dose CT Thorax
Upper Abdomen Assessment
Ultrasound Upper Abdomen  
Blood Analysis
Complete Blood Count
– Haemoglobin, Red Blood Cell, White Blood Cell, Platelet
Diabetes Assessment
Fasting Blood Glucose
Thyroid Function Test
Liver Function Test
Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT, AST, T.Bilirubin, T.Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Albumin/Globulin Ratio(A/G), Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase GGTP
Renal Function Test
Sodium, Potassium, Urea, Serum Creatinine, Chloride, eGFR
Lipid Profile Test
Total Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides
Rheumatoid Arthritis Screening
Rheumatoid Factors
Gout Screening
Uric Acid
Hepatitis B Assessment
Hepatitis B Antigen, Hepatitis B Antibody  
STD Screening
VDRL, HIV Antibody      
Routine Urinalysis, Urine
Routine Urinalysis, Urine
Cancer Risk Assessment
Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment: Fecal Immunochemical test, Occult Blood
Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment: Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)      
Hepatitis or Liver Cancer Risk Assessment: Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)      
Nasopharyngeal Cancer Risk Assessment: EBV DNA Qualitative Test      
Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment: Total Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (Male only)      
Ovarian Cancer Risk Assessment: Cancer Antigen 125 (Female only)      
Generalized Cancer Risk Assessment: Beta HCG      
Special Package Price* $2,100 $4,100 $5,950 $8,960

* The above is the package price. If you are unable to undergo relevant examinations due to individual circumstances or physical conditions, no refund or exchange will be offered.


Click HERE to download PDF

To Prepare for Health Check
  • Do not eat and drink 8 hours before the examination. All medicines (except diabetes medicine) can be taken as usual on the day of physical examination;
  • Wear light and comfortable outfit;
  • Inform the doctor the types of commonly used medicine;
  • Collection of stool/urine specimen during mensuration is not suitable. Please return the specimen 3 days after the end of the menstrual period;
  • Urination is prohibited if lower abdomen region ultrasound will be performed. Drink more liquid or water. Depends on one’s condition;
  • Inform the doctor of any confirmed or possible pregnancy;
  • Arrive 15 minutes before to allow time for registration.


Payment Method

We support cashless payment.  Payment by credit card, WeChat Pay, Alipay, FPS are encouraged.
