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General X-ray Examination

X-rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation called photons.  Because X-rays can penetrate human body to produce image of the anatomy and pathological changes, they are particularly useful for medical imaging.

The Procedure

X-ray examinations are performed by Registered Radiographers. There are also explicit guidelines on medical imaging.

You will be asked to either lie on a table or stand against a flat surface in order that the part of your body to be examined is positioned between the x-ray machine and the receptor. The Radiographer will help getting you into the correct position.  Keep still or hold your breath as instructed if required.  Another positioning for additional images may also be required.

How Long Does it Take?

A few seconds per image.

After the Procedure

Eat or drink as usual.

Are X-ray Examinations in Diagnostic Radiology Safe?

On average, an individual receives about 2.0 to 2.5 mSv (millisievert, measurement of X-ray) a year from natural background radiation. The effective doses of the majority of X-ray examinations are very low, e.g. one receives about 0.02 to 0.04 mSv for a chest X-ray examination. These examinations are generally considered safe.

Can X-ray Examinations be Taken During Pregnancy?

Exposure of the embryo in the first three weeks following conception is not likely to result in adverse effects in the liveborn child. Nevertheless, X-ray examinations causing direct exposures to the abdomen or pelvis of women likely to be pregnant should be avoided unless there are strong clinical indications.

Plain X-ray examinations of area remote from the fetus, such as the chest, skull or extremities, can be done safely at any time during pregnancy, if proper radiation protection is applied.

When a lady of child bearing age requires an x-ray examination involving direct irradiation of the abdomen or pelvis and if she cannot exclude the possibility of pregnancy, consideration should be given to postpone the examination by applying the 28-day rule.  With respect to Code of Practices, please provide information about your last menstrual period (LMP) to the concerned staff when required.

Payment Method

We support cashless payment. Payment by credit card, WeChat Pay, Alipay, FPS are encouraged.

Holders of valid cashless health insurance plan can leave upon discharge should the services used do not include any items that are not covered by your insurance policy or exceed the insured amount.
