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Intravascular Contrast Medium

This is an X-ray investigation which requires contrast medium injection.  The test will provide information which should help to better understand and treat the medical problem. However, side effects may occasionally occur. Generally speaking, the contrast medium used is a safe drug.

Risks and Complications

  1. Allergic reaction to intravenous contrast medium.
    • Delayed Reactions – Some patients may experience delayed reaction within 24 hours. The symptoms include ‘flu’ like illness, arm pain, itching, rash, painful or swollen salivary glands, etc.
    • Mild Reactions – 
      For example, itching, mild skin rash, nausea, vomiting, feeling of warmth, arm pain, sneezing, coughing, etc. These reactions are only temporary and require no treatment.
    • Moderate Reactions – 
      These are more serious and prolonged. Examples are severe skin rash, fever, chills, palpitation, high or low blood pressure, etc. These reactions usually need medical treatment.
    • Severe Reactions – 
      These usually require immediate medical treatment and can even cause harm. For example, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, convulsions, kidney failure, unconsciousness, etc.
    • Death – 
      On rare occasion, contrast medium like many other drugs can cause death. The chance of this fatal occurrence resulting from the injection of non-ionic contrast medium is about 1 in 250,000.
  2. Pain at injection site during injection of intravenous contrast medium. Contrast medium may accidentally leaks out from the injection site into the soft tissue. Discomfort, swelling or pain may result. Generally, this should disappear within one or two days. Rarely, local skin necrosis has been known to occur as a late complication.
  3. Aspiration of gastric content or oral contrast medium may lead to pneumonia.
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